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CroesoLleolir yr ysgol gynradd gymunedol hon o fewn tref Aberaeron. Adeiladwyd yr ysgol ar safle deheuol i’r dref, tua 200 metr o’r traeth, ac mae’n mwynhau golygfeydd o Fae Ceredigion. Mae’n cynnwys pedair ystafell ddosbarth, neuadd ganolig / ystafell fwyta, cegin, dau ddosbarth symudol, uned feithrin/derbyn pwrpasol o fewn drysau clo, Canolfan cyfoethogi cerddoriaeth ac iaith a’r Atriwm, gofod cyfunol i’r Cyfnod Sylfaen. Tu allan mae cae chwarae eang a thir chwarae caled a lle chwarae amgaeedig i’r disgyblion meithrin a derbyn.. Derbynnir plant Cymraeg a Saesneg eu hiaith, ac nid yw’n angenrheidiol iddynt fod a gwybodaeth o’r ail iaith. | WelcomeThe school is a community primary school situated within the town of Aberaeron It is built on the southerly side of the town, within 200 metres of the seashore and enjoys panoramic views of Cardigan Bay. It consists of four classrooms, a central hall/dining area, kitchen, two mobile classrooms, a new, purpose built Nursery/Reception unit which is within security doors, the music and language enrichment centre and the Atrium, a communal area for the Foundation Phase. Externally, there is an extensive playing field and hard play area and an enclosed play area for the Nursery and Reception pupils. The school caters for both Welsh and English speaking children, for whom a prior knowledge of the second language is not essential. |