Trip Iwerddon / Ireland Trip
Naaa / Nooo !!!
Yr eiliad mae'r bechgyn yn deall mai ysgol i ferched yn unig yw'r ysgol yma. The penny drops for the boys that this is a girls only school !!!
DSCF5924.JPG476Naaa / Nooo !!!Yr eiliad mae'r bechgyn yn deall mai ysgol i ferched yn unig yw'r ysgol yma. The penny drops for the boys that this is a girls only school !!!Dysgu / Learning
Cafwyd llawer o hwyl yn dysgu am hanes y castell yn Cahir. We had a great time learning about the history of the castle - including the use of "murder holes" and "overhanging machicolations."
DSCF5790.JPG478Dysgu / LearningCafwyd llawer o hwyl yn dysgu am hanes y castell yn Cahir. We had a great time learning about the history of the castle - including the use of "murder holes" and "overhanging machicolations."Y bwthyn / The Swiss cottage
Dyma'r bwthyn bendigedig a adeiladwyd gan y pensaer enwog, John Nash, ar gyfer teulu'r Butlers. The Swiss cottage was built by the architect John Nash on behalf of the very wealthy and influential Butler family.
DSCF5846.JPG479Y bwthyn / The Swiss cottageDyma'r bwthyn bendigedig a adeiladwyd gan y pensaer enwog, John Nash, ar gyfer teulu'r Butlers. The Swiss cottage was built by the architect John Nash on behalf of the very wealthy and influential Butler family.Ffordd yna.../ This way....
Mae'r arwyddion yn Wyddeleg - sef iaith Geltaidd sy'n perthyn yn agos i'r iaith Gymraeg. The road signs are in the Irish language - a branch of Celtic languages closely related to Welsh.
DSCF5858.JPG480Ffordd yna.../ This way....Mae'r arwyddion yn Wyddeleg - sef iaith Geltaidd sy'n perthyn yn agos i'r iaith Gymraeg. The road signs are in the Irish language - a branch of Celtic languages closely related to Welsh.Trafod / Discussion
Cafwyd trafodaethau diddorol rhwng y plant am y ffordd i ddatblygu ein prosiectau rhyngwladol. There were interesting debates on how to develop our international projects.
DSCF5985.JPG481Trafod / DiscussionCafwyd trafodaethau diddorol rhwng y plant am y ffordd i ddatblygu ein prosiectau rhyngwladol. There were interesting debates on how to develop our international projects.Ffrindiau newydd / New friends
Roedd yr athrawon o Sbaen yn barod iawn i ateb cwestiynau y plant. The Spanish teachers were very willing to answer the children's questions.
DSCF5989.JPG482Ffrindiau newydd / New friendsRoedd yr athrawon o Sbaen yn barod iawn i ateb cwestiynau y plant. The Spanish teachers were very willing to answer the children's questions.Hyrlio / Hurling
Cafwyd gwersi hyrlio - gem draddodiadol o Iwerddon sy'n cyfuno hoci a ymladd !!!!!! We were taught the basics of Hurling - a traditional Irish game which seemed to be a mixture of hockey and fighting !!!!!
DSCF5938.JPG483Hyrlio / HurlingCafwyd gwersi hyrlio - gem draddodiadol o Iwerddon sy'n cyfuno hoci a ymladd !!!!!! We were taught the basics of Hurling - a traditional Irish game which seemed to be a mixture of hockey and fighting !!!!!Diolch / Thanks
Cyflwyno anrheg i'r Gwesty i ddweud diolch am y croeso arbennig a gafwyd. Presenting a gift to the Hotel to show our appreciation of the wonderful welcome we received.
DSCF1192.JPG486Diolch / ThanksCyflwyno anrheg i'r Gwesty i ddweud diolch am y croeso arbennig a gafwyd. Presenting a gift to the Hotel to show our appreciation of the wonderful welcome we received.Ymlacio / Relaxing
Rhai o'r plant yn ymlacio ar y fferi ar y ffordd yn ol i Gymru. Some of the children relaxing on the ferry on our way back to Wales.
DSCF1238.JPG489Ymlacio / RelaxingRhai o'r plant yn ymlacio ar y fferi ar y ffordd yn ol i Gymru. Some of the children relaxing on the ferry on our way back to Wales.Celf / Art
Y plant yn dychwelyd ar ol bod allan yn arlunio rhai o adeiladau'r dref. The children returning after being out sketching some of the town's buildings.
DSCF5902.JPG491Celf / ArtY plant yn dychwelyd ar ol bod allan yn arlunio rhai o adeiladau'r dref. The children returning after being out sketching some of the town's buildings.Cyflwyniadau / Presentations
Bu aelodau pwyllgorau'r ysgol yn cyflwyno adroddiadau ar eu gwaith. Gwnaethpwyd hyn yn hyderus ac yn broffesiynnol - da iawn pawb. Various committee members made presentations to our friends showing what has been achieved in our school. This was done confidently and professionally. Well done all.
DSCF5976.JPG493Cyflwyniadau / PresentationsBu aelodau pwyllgorau'r ysgol yn cyflwyno adroddiadau ar eu gwaith. Gwnaethpwyd hyn yn hyderus ac yn broffesiynnol - da iawn pawb. Various committee members made presentations to our friends showing what has been achieved in our school. This was done confidently and professionally. Well done all.Y Gwesty / The Hotel
Roedd y gwesty wedi ei leoli ynghanol y dref ac yn berffaith i ni - o fewn tafliad carreg i'r ysgol a'r castell. Ac roedd y croeso a gawsom yn fendigedig. The hotel was ideally situated in the centre of town - within a stone's throw of the school and the castle. And the welcome we received was superb.
DSCF5898.JPG494Y Gwesty / The HotelRoedd y gwesty wedi ei leoli ynghanol y dref ac yn berffaith i ni - o fewn tafliad carreg i'r ysgol a'r castell. Ac roedd y croeso a gawsom yn fendigedig. The hotel was ideally situated in the centre of town - within a stone's throw of the school and the castle. And the welcome we received was superb."This way Valerie..."
Cafwyd llawer o hwyl yn dysgu rhai o'r gemau traddodiadol y mae'r plant yn chwarae ar yr iard. We had great fun learning some of the traditional games played by the children on the yard.
DSCF6012.JPG495"This way Valerie..."Cafwyd llawer o hwyl yn dysgu rhai o'r gemau traddodiadol y mae'r plant yn chwarae ar yr iard. We had great fun learning some of the traditional games played by the children on the yard.Anrhegion / Presents
Derbyniodd pob plentyn ffon hyrlio - anrheg arbennig iawn. Gobeithio na fydd gormod o anafiadau yn y dyfodol agos !!!! Every child received a hurling stick - a very special gift. Let's hope for an injury-free few weeks, and no broken windows !!!
DSCF6189.JPG497Anrhegion / PresentsDerbyniodd pob plentyn ffon hyrlio - anrheg arbennig iawn. Gobeithio na fydd gormod o anafiadau yn y dyfodol agos !!!! Every child received a hurling stick - a very special gift. Let's hope for an injury-free few weeks, and no broken windows !!!